Each child has a unique and evolving personality.

Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish in Siblings Without Rivalry say “To be loved uniquely – for one’s own special self – is to be loved as much as we need to be loved.” Each child is different and unique in all character and physical traits.

There are no two children the same.

To ensure that our children know that they are special and loved and that they will develop good self esteem, here are a list of important things to consider doing with your children:

  • set aside time for each child
  • be an attentive listener
  • recognize and nurture their individual talents
  • accept each child for who he/she is
  • give up unrealistic expectations
  • separate the child from the behavior
  • keep from confiding in one child about another
  • create an atmosphere of family support for each child’s unique gifts or talents or projects
  • create work or fun projects together as a family unit
  • remember equality doesn’t always bring justice

Remember each child is a unique gift from God. By loving and treating each one uniquely, children will feel secure, loved and accepted.

